Friday, September 03, 2004

Not a great deal to talk about this morning. Took Penelope to the vet as planned, which went about as smoothly as expected. Now that we're back home, she's behaving pretty normally. She typically doesn't hold a grudge, but that doesn't make the trauma of the journey any easier. (She just now came running into the room with her tail straight up, so she can't be too upset.) Fortunately, while I was there, I remembered to have them trim her toenails, so that's one future trip we won't have to make.

So we should get the test results back next week, and I'll send them off to the pet insurance company, and hopefully she'll qualify. If not, well, at least we tried.

Watched this week's episode of Amish in the City last night. After a promising start, it's slid pretty much into a predictable city kids vs Amish kids show, with the city kids coming off pretty shallow and vapid. (Hard to say how much of this is editing and how much is real, but when you see Ariel, the "sophisticated" vegan city kid espousing her theories about the extraterrestrial origins of cows... Well, editing cuts stuff out or changes the emphasis, but it doesn't insert nonsense like that.) Wisely, this week, the producers turned some of the focus back onto the Amish kids' decision whether to become Amish or not. A little more interesting than the petty squabbles among the city kids, who all seem like they're playing at being grown-ups.

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