Wednesday, September 15, 2004

After three episodes of Father of the Pride, I'm out. Just too much TV in that time slot I'd rather see next week (season premiere of One Tree Hill, first half of the season finale of The Amazing Race 5, and the series finale of Amish in the City). As it is, with the DVR, I can only watch or record two shows at the same time, so I either watch or tape the third show on the old TV upstairs as it is. And Father of the Pride...

On last night's episode, the parents found drugs (catnip, because they're lions, get it?) in the house, and blamed their teenage daughter for being a nip-head, not believing her denials. Then, through a series of wacky misunderstandings, the parents accidentally ended up taking catnip themselves, acting high and immature just when their daughter--sober as a judge--was being interviewed for the gifted and talented program at her school. And it turns out that the catnip wasn't hers after all, but really belonged to the grandfather. Oh, my sides hurt from laughing so hard. Because, you see, while it may seem like a tired and hackneyed sitcom premise, the fact that the characters are cartoon lions, and the drug was catnip, not a real human drug, just makes it HI-larious.

So, I'm out.

(Having said that, the bits with Siegfried and Roy continue to be the best parts of the show, even more so knowing that they're done with the real characters' approval.)

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