Thursday, February 12, 2004

NotePAD Entry - 02/12/2004: "COMMENTS FROM THE "CAPTAIN MARVEL" THREAD": "No, I think the whole justification is that it's fundamental hypocrisy for viewers who spend three hours having no problem watching an incredibly violent passtime with a vaguely homoerotic subtext ('Here, man in incredibly tight pants, let me reach between your legs with my head up your ass and grab your ball'), peppered with commercials and entertainment featuring flatulance and sex-based advertising, to suddenly start screaming, 'Oh my God, think of the children!' when a woman's breast is exposed in a far camera shot for two seconds. Not to mention that they KEEP TALKING ABOUT IT FOR WEEKS and now want to LAUNCH GOVERNMENT INVESTIGATIONS, for Chrissake, into something that Paul Kupperberg quite rightly labeled as 'A tempest in a B-cup.'
Which I guess would mean that I'm defending Janet Jackson, so the answer to your question would be that my basis for defending her is saying, 'Cripes, people, an undergarment fell off and her breast was exposed. It's not like they both got naked and started simulating sex.' "

Hey, I just liked the "Tempest in a b-cup" line.

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