Tuesday, September 30, 2008

What Can Save The Sarah Connor Chronicles? | The Underwire from Wired.com

What Can Save The Sarah Connor Chronicles? | The Underwire from Wired.com: "Sarah Connor has a serious problem. And it's not the relentless army of bots cloaked in human skin determined to kill her and her son.
It's the show ratings, which are steadily dropping with each episode.
Entertainment Weekly's Michael Ausiello delivered a grim outlook last week: 'An SCC insider tells me that if the show's numbers don't start to climb, Fox is unlikely to order any additional episodes beyond the 13 currently in the pipeline.'"

Okay, I really enjoy this show. Plus, an old friend of mine from junior high works on it. So, if you've been thinking of watching but haven't, now's the time to start.

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