Monday, January 16, 2006

Been using yesterday and today to try to get caught up on TV from last week. (And yes, I recognize that if I'm having trouble finding the time to watch it all, I probably should just try to watch less. Thank you. The current backup actually results in my not feeling a whole lot like watching TV last week, so stuff got recorded but not watched.)

Anyway, as previously mentioned, the first episode of Hustle on AMC was pretty nifty. Of course, they premiered it with two episodes, so there's a second one already waiting for me. Don't know if AMC picked up the first two existing seasons, or just the first one, but the first two seasons are out on DVD in the UK, so either way, I'm set. If the quality holds up.

Just finished the "Casting Special" pre-season premiere of Beauty and the Geek. Some of you may remember that I went into this show last year with some pretty serious misgivings, swayed only by a positive review in TV Guide that said it basically was a lot better than the commercials made it seem. They were right. Here's hoping the second season maintains that same level of genuineness. Certainly in the casting of the geeks, they seem to have gone to the more extreme end of the spectrum, perhaps in hopes of even more good-TV Richard moments. We'll see... The season proper premiered on Thursday night, but I haven't seen that yet.

Saturday morning saw the premiere of Cartoon Network's new block, featuring new episodes of favorite show Life and Times of Juniper Lee and new superhero series Ben 10. Cartoon Network previewed Ben 10 just after Christmas, and it's a good kids' superhero series. Easily up there with Juniper Lee and Kim Possible. Check it out.

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