Saturday, October 09, 2004

There's a comic book store across the street from my new library, and I stopped in to take a look.  Turns out, despite calling itself a comic book store, it's all action figures and cards and crap, and comics are really just an afterthought.  It's the sort of place where what comics they have are all sealed in bags, with a sign saying not to open them, and we're just talking about stuff that came out within the past few weeks.  And they've got a long box labeled "This week's comics," like actually putting them up where people can see them is too much of a pain in the ass.  Needless to say--though I'll say it anyway--I won't be coming back, and I won't be spending any money there.
And they wonder why comics sales are down.  Maybe they should take a look where and how they're being sold?

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