Friday, February 07, 2003

It occured to me while eating dinner (the burger part, anyway) that tomorrow morning marks one week since the destruction of the space shuttle, and I haven't thought about it very much. From the headlines, there does seem to be a refreshing absence of finger-pointing, and maybe we're seeing this for what it is: an expected by-product of the business of tucking a bunch of people in a tiny metal container attached to a massive amount of explosives, igniting those explosive, launching that container millions of miles into the air, and then letting it fall back to the ground. This is a horrible tragedy, and should be examined to make sure it doesn't happen again. It should also serve as a reminder of how many times it didn't happen before, of how many times NASA got it right. It should also serve as a reminder of how heroic these pilots and scientists are, because these are the risks they take every time they undertake these missions to further our understanding of the universe in which we live.

And it's almost time for Farscape, so that's all for now.

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