Monday, December 16, 2002

Sorry for the prolonged absence. Between my computer being down and some other stuff, this journal just sort of fell by the wayside. With most of that behind me now, expect more frequent (hopefully, almost daily) doses of vitriol and pointless meandering.

And to bring things back in style, let me speak briefly about the government's Big Brother plan to fight terrorism. The whole thing certainly makes me feel a mite queasy (okay, more than a mite), because, after all, aren't the sorts of freedoms that this sort of plan abridges just the things that are supposed to set America above other nations? And is anyone else bothered by the notion that "it would only take one more terrorist attack and public support is assured?" Not that our government would even consider manufacturing some sort of terror threat to allow them to trample on citizens' freedoms in order to further the agendas of special interest groups at the expense of the public at large...

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